Minutes of the Vol State Winnies Fall Business Meeting
Location: Wilson County Fairgrounds
October 27, 2018
Location: Wilson County Fairgrounds
October 27, 2018
The meeting was called to order by President Ralph Wiggers. The invocation was given by Aggie King and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Robert Butler.
Officers present were: Ralph Wiggers—President, Glenn Craig—Vice President, and Joe Moore—Treasurer. Members present were: Robert & Corrie Butler, Glenn & Irene Craig, Ken & Jeanette Dixon, Judy Doyle, Joe Dyer, Bob & Sue Entner, Dan & Aggie King, Mike & Diana Logan, Dave & Lynda McKittrick, Bob & Jean Maxwell, Joe & Cathy Moore, Brent & Francine Nickles, Ed Potts, Bob & Veronica Ralston, & Ralph Wiggers.
Ed Potts made a motion that the April 23 , 2018 minutes be approved as published. Aggie King second-ed and the motion passed.
Joe Moore gave the Financial Report. As of September 30, 2018 , the balance was $5916.47. Dan King made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and Mike Logan seconded Motion passed.
Sunday Breakfast 7:30-8:30 was served by Brent & Francine Nickles and others.
We have 14 new members to the State Club since last year’s Rally. WIT sends a monthly list of new members and members who did not renew. Currently we have 47 RV members in the State Club. 29 of these participate in GNR or one of our club or chapter events. Send a survey to find out why they are not coming.
GNR 2019
Discussed possibility of using one of Tim Wilson’s tents at GNR instead of renting one No theme has been announced. Will continue serving Lynchburg Lemonade. Snack mix or Moon Pies? Need to compare costs.
2019 VSW Events
2019 VSW outings and business meeting will be at Wilson County Fairgrounds April 25-28.
Glenn Craig installed new 2019 officers:
Respectfully submitted,
Irene Craig—substituting as Secretary
Officers present were: Ralph Wiggers—President, Glenn Craig—Vice President, and Joe Moore—Treasurer. Members present were: Robert & Corrie Butler, Glenn & Irene Craig, Ken & Jeanette Dixon, Judy Doyle, Joe Dyer, Bob & Sue Entner, Dan & Aggie King, Mike & Diana Logan, Dave & Lynda McKittrick, Bob & Jean Maxwell, Joe & Cathy Moore, Brent & Francine Nickles, Ed Potts, Bob & Veronica Ralston, & Ralph Wiggers.
Ed Potts made a motion that the April 23 , 2018 minutes be approved as published. Aggie King second-ed and the motion passed.
Joe Moore gave the Financial Report. As of September 30, 2018 , the balance was $5916.47. Dan King made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and Mike Logan seconded Motion passed.
- WIT approved our bylaw changes effective 8/30/18. The term for officers will be one year instead of two.
- Ralph Wiggers gave a report on GNR. There were 25 RV’s on the Rally Grounds with TN tags. Ralph thanked Dave Franke and those who helped him make and put up the row decorations. We did not win a prize, but we were happy with our display. The Lynchburg Lemonade, lemonade and snack mix were a success.
- WIT is undergoing changes and more information will be on the Web Page. There will likely be fewer mailed issues during the year.
- The Joint Outing with Music City Winnies was a successful event We celebrated their 44th Anniversary at Salt Lick Creek Thanks to Brent and Francine Nickles.
- The slate of officers for 2019 was presented:
- President—Ralph Wiggers
- Vice President—Veronica Ralston
- Secretary—Virginia Wiggers
- Treasurer—Joe Moore
- Ralph asked if there were any nominations from the floor. There were none and Ed Potts moved that the slate of officers be accepted. Brent Nickles seconded. The slate was unanimously elected by the members present. Installation will take place at the close of meeting.
Sunday Breakfast 7:30-8:30 was served by Brent & Francine Nickles and others.
We have 14 new members to the State Club since last year’s Rally. WIT sends a monthly list of new members and members who did not renew. Currently we have 47 RV members in the State Club. 29 of these participate in GNR or one of our club or chapter events. Send a survey to find out why they are not coming.
GNR 2019
Discussed possibility of using one of Tim Wilson’s tents at GNR instead of renting one No theme has been announced. Will continue serving Lynchburg Lemonade. Snack mix or Moon Pies? Need to compare costs.
2019 VSW Events
2019 VSW outings and business meeting will be at Wilson County Fairgrounds April 25-28.
- Camping sites will cost $20/night. Fee to pay for building will be $5/person.
- Fall Rally Bob Entner will look into a golf outing for one of the pre rally days.
- Aggie King will look into vendors for the ladies.
- Dan King will check vendors at upcoming Freightliner Rally.
- Silent Auction items from those who want to donate
- TN Basket is popular
Glenn Craig installed new 2019 officers:
- President—Ralph Wiggers,
- Vice President—Veronica Ralston.
- Treasurer—Joe Moore
Respectfully submitted,
Irene Craig—substituting as Secretary