VSW Spring Outing
April 24 - 28, 2019
LocationJames E. Ward Agricultural Center
945 East Baddour Parkway Lebanon, TN The James E. Ward Agricultural Center is centrally located for our members from east, central and west Tennessee. The Center has developed RV sites for 250 or more with electric and water at each site, as well as four dump stations strategically located around the grounds. |
Wednesday – April 24
Arrive and set up
DINNER – LEO (lets eat out) at a local restaurant
Thursday – April 25
Arrive and set up
11-1:00 PM Optional – Redneck Comedy Bus Tour
Need to car pool to departure point at Nashville Palace (free parking). See notes on this trip. Departure time of tour is 11 am
TBA – Meet to go out to a local restaurant for dinner- are looking at restaurants to reserve for a group.
Friday – April 26
8-9 am – Breakfast by West Tennessee Travelers
9:15-10:15 am – Q & A Discussion on Social Media/Web Sites – Keith Mobley moderator
10:30 – 11:30 am – Tech Questions followed by update on October Rally
Lunch on your own
12:30 pm - Deco Tour of Cracker Barrel Warehouse (carpool, names to be submitted by April 8th. Arrive at 12:45 on April 26th.
5:30 pm - Potluck Dinner- about half of members will be requested to bring a dish to pass (no desserts). Home made ice cream has been arranged for dessert.
Saturday – April 27
8-9 am – Breakfast by Rocky Top Travelers
9:15-10:15 am – VSW Business Meeting
10:30 – 11:30 am – Chapter Business Meetings
11:30 – Open Time – some options
- visit downtown Lebanon.
- spring garden show (10 am to 4 pm) Poultry Building
- several lecturers on various gardening topics
- Flower and plants for sale
- Tractor/wagon tour
- Tour Fiddlers Grove Historic Village (has new Veterans Museum & Heritage area)
5:30 pm Bring your own meat to grill (grills furnished) Those not providing at the Friday potluck, bring either side or salad to share.
7:00pm Games, cards and/or fellowship
Sunday – April 28
7:30-9 am Continental Breakfast by Music City Winnies - with help from others.
9 am – “On the Road Again”, we are glad you came and hope you enjoyed your stay. See you at the GNR and in October at the WIT TN VSW State Rally
Coffee and hot water for tea or cocoa will be available Fri, Sat and Sun am before/during breakfast. Bring your own cup.
Please bring your tableware, drinks, other than coffee, to all meals.
There will be a $10 fee per person to cover cost of food and for building plus the $20/day camping fee.
Arrive and set up
DINNER – LEO (lets eat out) at a local restaurant
Thursday – April 25
Arrive and set up
11-1:00 PM Optional – Redneck Comedy Bus Tour
Need to car pool to departure point at Nashville Palace (free parking). See notes on this trip. Departure time of tour is 11 am
TBA – Meet to go out to a local restaurant for dinner- are looking at restaurants to reserve for a group.
Friday – April 26
8-9 am – Breakfast by West Tennessee Travelers
9:15-10:15 am – Q & A Discussion on Social Media/Web Sites – Keith Mobley moderator
10:30 – 11:30 am – Tech Questions followed by update on October Rally
Lunch on your own
12:30 pm - Deco Tour of Cracker Barrel Warehouse (carpool, names to be submitted by April 8th. Arrive at 12:45 on April 26th.
5:30 pm - Potluck Dinner- about half of members will be requested to bring a dish to pass (no desserts). Home made ice cream has been arranged for dessert.
Saturday – April 27
8-9 am – Breakfast by Rocky Top Travelers
9:15-10:15 am – VSW Business Meeting
10:30 – 11:30 am – Chapter Business Meetings
11:30 – Open Time – some options
- visit downtown Lebanon.
- spring garden show (10 am to 4 pm) Poultry Building
- several lecturers on various gardening topics
- Flower and plants for sale
- Tractor/wagon tour
- Tour Fiddlers Grove Historic Village (has new Veterans Museum & Heritage area)
5:30 pm Bring your own meat to grill (grills furnished) Those not providing at the Friday potluck, bring either side or salad to share.
7:00pm Games, cards and/or fellowship
Sunday – April 28
7:30-9 am Continental Breakfast by Music City Winnies - with help from others.
9 am – “On the Road Again”, we are glad you came and hope you enjoyed your stay. See you at the GNR and in October at the WIT TN VSW State Rally
Coffee and hot water for tea or cocoa will be available Fri, Sat and Sun am before/during breakfast. Bring your own cup.
Please bring your tableware, drinks, other than coffee, to all meals.
There will be a $10 fee per person to cover cost of food and for building plus the $20/day camping fee.
Coffee and hot water for tea or cocoa will be available Fri, Sat and Sun am before/during breakfast.
Coffee and hot water for tea or cocoa will be available Fri, Sat and Sun am before/during breakfast.

Bring your own cup

- Bring your tableware and drinks-except coffee-to all meals

The Redneck Comedy Bus Tour
"Y'all come and get redneck certified"
Have you ever fallen asleep at a museum? Or thought your tour guide was too big for his britches?
You’re not alone! Let’s face it: most ‘official’ city tours are pretty boring. They’ll take ya on a spin to the city’s museums, parks, and landmarks that are better left in the brochures. Yawn!
At Redneck Comedy Bus Tour, we’ll take you to the places that you actually want to see – sites that make Nashville worthy of the title “America’s ‘It’ City.” It’s a tour you and your young’uns will love with plenty of jokes to hoot and holler at. We’ll take you to: Music Row, Printers Alley, Riverfront, Capital Plaza, The Wildhorse, Hardrock Cafe, The Country Music Hall of Fame, Ryman Auditorium, and much more.
"Y'all come and get redneck certified"
Have you ever fallen asleep at a museum? Or thought your tour guide was too big for his britches?
You’re not alone! Let’s face it: most ‘official’ city tours are pretty boring. They’ll take ya on a spin to the city’s museums, parks, and landmarks that are better left in the brochures. Yawn!
At Redneck Comedy Bus Tour, we’ll take you to the places that you actually want to see – sites that make Nashville worthy of the title “America’s ‘It’ City.” It’s a tour you and your young’uns will love with plenty of jokes to hoot and holler at. We’ll take you to: Music Row, Printers Alley, Riverfront, Capital Plaza, The Wildhorse, Hardrock Cafe, The Country Music Hall of Fame, Ryman Auditorium, and much more.
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